Argentina: uno de los periódicos más grandes del país despide a casi medio centenar de periodistas
Durante la madrugada del domingo, el diario Clarín le anunció por correo electrónico la desvinculación a al menos 48 periodistas y trabajadorxs de prensa. Esto sucede exactamente a cuatro años de la última gran ola de despidos de la empresa, que es uno de los conglomerados mediáticos más grandes y poderosos de Argentina. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia este accionar y exige, junto al Sindicato de Prensa de Buenos Aires, la inmediata reincorporación de todxs lxs trabajadorxs despedidxs.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsYemen: Four journalists on death row released in prisoner exchange
Journalists Tawfiq Al-Mansoori, Abdul Khaleq Amran, Akram Al-Waleedi and Hareth Humaid, who had been sentenced to death for their journalistic work, have been released as part of a prisoner exchange on 16 April, they had spent eight years behind bars. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) in welcoming their release and calls for the release of all journalists and media workers in jail.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsIFJ in the news
Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from April 6th to April 14th 2023.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsVietnam: Journalist imprisoned in closed-door court hearing
Freelance journalist and political activist Nguyen Lan Thang has been sentenced to six years in prison on April 12 in a closed-door court hearing, for spreading ‘anti-state propaganda’ in a series of interviews posted to social media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls for Nguyen’s immediate and unconditional release and an end to the ongoing persecution of journalists in Vietnam.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsPerú: se sentenció al ex ministro del Interior por el asesinato del periodista Hugo Bustíos
Daniel Urresti, quien además es excongresista y excandidato presidencial, fue condenado a 12 años de prisión como coautor del asesinato del periodista Hugo Bustíos Saavedra, ocurrido hace casi 35 años. Esta sentencia abre nuevas oportunidades en la lucha contra la impunidad en crímenes contra la vida de periodistas, lucha en la cual tuvo un rol determinante la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú, que impulsa las investigaciones y mantiene viva la memoria de sus colegas. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas celebra este acto de justicia y exige que todos los procesos judiciales abiertos por casos contra la vida de trabajadorxs de prensa sean resueltos con celeridad y no..
International Federation of Journalists > NewsTurkey: International groups condemn broadcast regulator role in punishing critical reporting ahead of elections
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and 19 press freedom, freedom of expression and human rights organizations call on Turkey’s broadcast regulator (RTÜK) to immediately stop fining broadcasters for their critical reporting. Journalists and broadcasters must be allowed to do their jobs of informing the public over critical issues and holding the government to account. Instead of upholding freedom of expression and media pluralism in the country, RTÜK is being weaponized by the governing parties to silence legitimate criticism and provide them with an unfair advantage in the May 2023 elections. This suppression of public debate is undermining the electoral process.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsGreece: IFJ prepares for General Assembly and Executive Committee meetings
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) will hold its Annual General Meeting and Executive Committee meeting in Athens, Greece, on 20 and 21 April. The two events will be hosted by IFJ affiliates JUADN and ESPIT-PEPU.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsSri Lanka: Proposed anti-terror bill labelled tyrannical, undemocratic
The new Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) proposed by the Sri Lankan parliament, designed to replace the existing Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) of 1979, threatens to further exacerbate restrictions on the right to assembly and gravely curtail freedom of expression and press freedom. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Sri Lankan affiliates, the Sri Lankan Working Journalists Association (SLWJA), the Federation of Media Employees Trade Union (FMETU), and the Free Media Movement (FMM), in strongly condemning the bill and urging Sri Lankan authorities to withdraw the proposed draft and repeal the punitive PTA.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsTunisie : de nouvelles atteintes à la liberté d’expression
Quelques semaines après l’interdiction aux journalistes de couvrir la première session du parlement le 13 mars, le Parlement a récidivé le 10 avril, alors que son président avait promis que cela ne se reproduirait plus. Au même moment, deux journalistes font face à une constante intimidation et répression de la part du gouvernement. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et son affilié le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT) dénoncent une répression continue des journalistes et de la liberté d’expression dans le pays.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsKosovo : Brutal attack on Valon Syla, Kosovo must take action to protect journalists
The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) and its affiliate in Kosovo, AGK, strongly condemn the violent attack on journalist Valon Syla in Pristina on Tuesday evening. The IFJ and EFJ calls on the Kosovo authorities to condemn publicly this act of violence and to do their utmost to identify the perpetrators and their sponsors and to prosecute them.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsMaldives: Journalists issued threats for story on politician and tourism mogul
Two senior Maldivian journalists were issued serious threats via phone and text on April 7 following the publication of an article about a high-profile arbitration case between a Maldivian tourism group and Hilton Worldwide. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) in strongly condemning the threats against two respected journalists and calls on the Maldivian police for urgent measures to ensure the protection of media workers in the Maldives and the swift apprehension of the perpetrators.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsPress freedom groups visit Serbia to mark Slavko Ćuruvija murder anniversary
To mark the 24th anniversary of the murder of Serbian editor and publisher Slavko Ćuruvija, international press freedom organisations are today visiting Belgrade to renew our calls for justice and issue fresh warnings about the current climate for the safety of journalists.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsIFJ in the news
Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from March 31st to April 6th 2023.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsHong Kong: IFJ report shines light on growing Hong Kong media diaspora
A new report released today by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) reveals the significant challenges faced by self-exiled Hong Kong journalists and calls for greater international support for diaspora media. The IFJ joins its affiliates, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), Communications Workers of America (CWA) Canada, Unifor and the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA), in highlighting the collapse of media freedom in Hong Kong and the need for journalists in exile to continue delivering vital independent journalism to global audiences on Hong Kong and China.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsMéxico: el periodista Richard Villa fue secuestrado en Veracruz
Según confirmó el medio para el cual trabaja, el reportero habría sido capturado por un grupo de hombres armados durante la tarde del lunes 3 de abril. Si bien ya se encuentra en marcha un operativo de búsqueda, es indispensable que cualquier investigación que realicen las autoridades tenga como eje el trabajo periodístico de Villa. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas junto al Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa demanda la inmediata liberación del comunicador y exige medidas de protección para sus colegas.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsHong Kong: HKFP journalists report stalking and intimidation
Several Hong Kong journalists have reported incidents of stalking and harassment in late March from unidentified persons, including a court reporter for Hong Kong Free Press (HKFP) and a number of media workers covering the ongoing Stand News trial. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Hong Kong authorities to conduct a swift and transparent investigation into the incidents and ensure journalists and media workers can conduct their duties without fear of intimidation or harassment.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsBurkina Faso: Two French journalists expelled by the military authorities amid crackdown on foreign media
French journalists Sophie Douce (Le Monde) and Agnès Faivre (Libération) were summoned separately for questioning by Burkina Faso's military authorities on 31 March and given a 24-hour ultimatum to leave the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns their expulsion, which constitutes the latest act of intimidation aimed at silencing the media in the country, and poses a threat to media freedom and freedom of expression.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsEditorial - IFJ Voice- April 2023
As the world of journalism continues to evolve, we are witnessing the rise of new technologies and innovations that are changing the way we communicate and report the news. One such technology generatinglots of headlinesis chatbots powered by GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) technology. While these chatbots offersignificantpotential for the media industry, they also pose unique challenges for journalists.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsIFJ in the news
Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from March 17th to March 31st 2023
International Federation of Journalists > NewsRussia : IFJ and EFJ demand release of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich
On 30 March, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) announced it detained Evan Gershkovich, a Moscow-based reporter withThe Wall Street Journal, in Yekaterinburg, Russia. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), their affiliates in Russia, JMWU, and in the United States NewsGuild-CWA , call on Russian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Wall Street Journal reporter and U.S. citizen Evan Gershkovich, detained on Thursday in Yekaterinburg. He could face up to 20 years in prison as the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) says he was “collecting classified information”. Gershkovich is the firs..
International Federation of Journalists > NewsAsia-Pacific: IFJ report calls for greater fact-checking support to combat misinformation
A new report released today by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls for greater support and recognition for fact-checking efforts in Asia amid rising misinformation online and in social media. Launched ahead of International Fact-Checking Day on April 2, the report explores the state of fact-checking initiatives in five countries in the region, where religious and ethnic divisions, social polarisation, authoritarian politics, partisan media, and low media literacy create fertile breeding grounds for misinformation.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsCovering transgender people in the press is not an issue of political correctness
How can newsrooms better cover trans people and integrate trans journalists on an equal footing? Read our latest story.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsMaroc:retard dans la mise en oeuvre delaconvention collective sur l'augmentation des salaires
Un certain nombre de médias marocains peinent à mettre en placela Convention collective relative à l'augmentation des salairessignée le 16 février 2023 entre le Syndicat national pour la presse marocaine (SNPM) et l’Association nationale des médias et des éditeurs (ANME). La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié le SNPM pour enjoindre les propriétaires de médias marocains à mettre en place l'accord immédiatement.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsPakistan: Shots fired outside home of senior journalist
A group of unidentified assailants detonated explosives and shot at the home of senior Pakistani journalist Syed Yasir Shah in Kohat on March 21. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), in condemning the violent attempt at intimidation and calling on authorities to conduct an immediate investigation into the incident.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsIndia: Government restricts internet and social media access in Punjab
Federal and state authorities in India’s Punjab region have restricted internet and telecommunications access and suspended social media accounts, amidst an ongoing police operation to capture political figure Amritpal Singh and his associates. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Indian authorities to respect freedom of expression and access to information and immediately cease all restrictions on journalists and media workers.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsMéxico: dos mujeres periodistas sufrieron vejaciones por parte de oficiales de policía tras ser detenidas arbitrariamente
El 10 de marzo, Natalie y Michelle Hoyos López fueron detenidas por la Policía Municipal de Izúcar de Matamoros junto a activistas feministas luego de realizar la cobertura de una actividad previa a la movilización por el Día Internacional de la Mujer Trabajadora. En una rueda de prensa realizada en la Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla, casa de estudios de una de las periodistas detenidas, denunciaron que los oficiales afirmaron que los hechos fueron ordenados por el municipio y que fueron víctimas de humillaciones, amenazas, burlas, y tortura física y sexual. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas, junto al Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa, repudia enérgicamente..
International Federation of Journalists > NewsFrance: plusieurs journalistes pris pour cible en marge de manifestations
Plusieurs journalistes ont été pris pour cible en marge des manifestations contre la réforme du régime des retraites qui agite la France depuis les discussions autour du projet de loi. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et la Fédération européenne des journalistes (FEJ) dénoncent des violences inacceptables perpétrées à l’encontre de leurs confrères et consœurs et réclament le respect de la liberté d’informer.
International Federation of Journalists > NewsIFJ in the news
Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from March 17th to March 24th 2023
International Federation of Journalists > NewsFrance : Soutien au journaliste français Romain Molina poursuivi en diffamation par l'ancien président de la Fédération haïtienne de football
Le journaliste français Romain Molina, qui a révélé des accusations d'abus sexuels portées contre Jean Bart, ancien président de la Fédération haïtienne de football, est poursuivi pour diffamation par M. Jean-Bart. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) s'associe à ses affiliés français pour témoigner son soutien à Romain Molina et dénoncer des pratiques judiciaires abusives.
International Federation of Journalists > News