Editorial: Fourth Quarter 2024 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. Table of Contents. A Tutorial on Near-Field XL-MIMO Communications Toward 6G. RIS-Empowered Satellite-Aerial-Terrestrial Networks With PD-NOMA. A Tutorial on Radio System-Level Simulations With Emphasis on 3GPP 5G-Advanced and Beyond. Terahertz Communications and Sensing for 6G and Beyond: A Comprehensive Review. Security Analysis of Critical 5G Interfaces. A Survey on Blockchain Scalability: From Hardware to Layer-Two Protocols. Survey on Unified Threat Management (UTM) Systems for Home Networks. Securing the IoT Application Layer From an MQTT Protocol Perspective: Challenges and Research Prospects. Design Guidelines on Trust Management for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks. A Survey on Human Profile Information Inference via Wireless Signals. Enhancing Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Tutorial on Generative Diffusion Models in Network Optimization. End-Edge-Cloud Collaborative Computing for Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Survey. Computational Intelligence Algorithms for UAV Swarm Networking and Collaboration: A Comprehensive Survey and Future Directions. Empowering Cloud Computing With Network Acceleration: A Survey. Machine Learning in FCAPS: Toward Enhanced Beyond 5G Network Management. A Survey on Mean-Field Game for Dynamic Management and Control in Space-Air-Ground Network. Resource Management From Single-Domain 5G to End-to-End 6G Network Slicing: A Survey. Visible Light Positioning as a Next-Generation Indoor Positioning Technology: A Tutorial. The Metaverse: Survey, Trends, Novel Pipeline Ecosystem & Future Directions. Editorial: Third Quarter 2024 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. Table of Contents. A Tutorial on Environment-Aware Communications via Channel Knowledge Map for 6G. A Survey of Beam Management for mmWave and THz Communications Towards 6G. A Tutorial on Extremely Large-Scale MIMO for 6G: Fundamentals, Signal Processing, and Applications. A Survey of Quantum Internet Protocols From a Layered Perspective. Frequency Selective Surface Toward 6G Communication Systems: A Contemporary Survey. Beam Alignment in mmWave V2X Communications: A Survey. Two Decades of Research Progress in Resource Allocation for PLC Systems: From Core Concepts to Frontiers. Post-Quantum Blockchain Security for the Internet of Things: Survey and Research Directions. A Systematic Survey on Security in Anonymity Networks: Vulnerabilities, Attacks, Defenses, and Formalization. Physical Layer Authentication and Security Design in the Machine Learning Era. Data and Model Poisoning Backdoor Attacks on Wireless Federated Learning, and the Defense Mechanisms: A Comprehensive Survey. The Evolution of Quantum Secure Direct Communication: On the Road to the Qinternet. Evolution of RAN Architectures Toward 6G: Motivation, Development, and Enabling Technologies. Network Slicing-Based Learning Techniques for IoV in 5G and Beyond Networks. Vehicle as a Service (VaaS): Leverage Vehicles to Build Service Networks and Capabilities for Smart Cities. Wireless Access for V2X Communications: Research, Challenges and Opportunities. A Human-Centric Metaverse Enabled by Brain-Computer Interface: A Survey. Leveraging Deep Learning to Strengthen the Cyber-Resilience of Renewable Energy Supply Chains: A Survey. Federated Learning-Empowered Mobile Network Management for 5G and Beyond Networks: From Access to Core. Editorial: Second Quarter 2024 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials Table of Contents Toward Ultra-Power-Efficient, Tbps Wireless Systems via Analogue Processing: Existing Approaches, Challenges and Way Forward A Survey on Model-Based, Heuristic, and Machine Learning Optimization Approaches in RIS-Aided Wireless Networks A Tutorial on NYUSIM: Sub-Terahertz and Millimeter-Wave Channel Simulator for 5G, 6G, and Beyond A Survey on Multi-AP Coordination Approaches Over Emerging WLANs: Future Directions and Open Challenges A Systematic Review of Human Activity Recognition Based on Mobile Devices: Overview, Progress and Trends Evasion Attack and Defense on Machine Learning Models in Cyber-Physical Systems: A Survey