Homo Ratiocinator (Reckoning Human) Putting the Smarts into Robot Bodies Feedback Loops Guide AI to Proof Checking How Software Bugs led to 'One of the Greatest Miscarriages of Justice' in British History Controlling AI’s Growing Energy Needs California’s AI Act Vetoed Abstractions The AI Alignment Paradox Artificial Intelligence as Catalyst for Biodiversity Understanding A Glimpse Into the Pandora's Box Program Merge: What's Deep Learning Got to Do with It? Prevalence and Prevention of Large Language Model Use in Crowd Work Exploiting Cross-Layer Vulnerabilities: Off-Path Attacks on the TCP/IP Protocol Suite Molecular Communications in Blood Vessels: Models, Analysis, and Enabling Technologies The Sustainability Gap for Computing: Quo Vadis? The Surprising Power of Spectral Refutation New Spectral Algorithms for Refuting Smoothed k-SAT Technical Perspective: Toward Building a Differentially Private DBMS R2T: Instance-optimal Truncation for Differentially Private Query Evaluation with Foreign Keys Not on the Best Path Building Safer and Interoperable AI systems. Fit for People, Fit for Purpose: Designing Tech that Matters. Go-ing to the Cloud. Can LLMs Make Robots Smarter? The Evolution of Computer Science at the University Level. Brain Implants Give People Back What They Lost. Investigating Research Software Engineering: Toward RSE Research. Artificial Intelligence Then and Now. Technical Credit. Building on Shaky Ground. Life Lessons from the First Half-Century of My Career. It Is Time to Standardize Principles and Practices for Software Memory Safety. Questioning the Criteria for Evaluating Non-Cryptographic Hash Functions. Meta's Hyperscale Infrastructure: Overview and Insights. Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at UbiComp/ISWC: Best Practices for Accessible and Equitable Computing Conferences. Program Correctness through Self-Certification. Shortening the Path to Designing Efficient Graph Algorithms. Negative-Weight Single-Source Shortest Paths in Near-Linear Time. Unsafe Code Still a Hurdle Copilot Must Clear. Asleep at the Keyboard? Assessing the Security of GitHub Copilot's Code Contributions. A Heavenly Host. I Was Wrong about the Ethics Crisis Is It Math or CS? Or Is It Both? Connecting the Unconnected The Secret of Ramsey Numbers : A new order forms out of randomness. Who Owns AI’s Output? Addressing the Data Storage Crisis Thinking of Algorithms as Institutions Compliance Requirements in Research The Fine Line Between Persuasion and Coercion