ESVFL: Efficient and secure verifiable federated learning with privacy-preserving Concept-cognitive learning survey: Mining and fusing knowledge from data Bimodal semantic fusion prototypical network for few-shot classification Automatic speech recognition using advanced deep learning approaches: A survey Hand-based multimodal biometric fusion: A review Large-scale aerial scene perception based on self-supervised multi-view stereo via cycled generative adversarial network Triple-modality interaction for deepfake detection on zero-shot identity SENSE: Hyperspectral video object tracker via fusing material and motion cues A coupled-GAN architecture to fuse MRI and PET image features for multi-stage classification of Alzheimer’s disease EduCross: Dual adversarial bipartite hypergraph learning for cross-modal retrieval in multimodal educational slides Artificial intelligence for production, operations and logistics management in modular construction industry: A systematic literature review EH-former: Regional easy-hard-aware transformer for breast lesion segmentation in ultrasound images Frequency Integration and Spatial Compensation Network for infrared and visible image fusion Fusion-driven deep feature network for enhanced object detection and tracking in video surveillance systems Fusion of hierarchical class graphs for remote sensing semantic segmentation LTFormer: A light-weight transformer-based self-supervised matching network for heterogeneous remote sensing images Discrete opinion dynamics in social networks with stubborn agents and limited information Towards investigating influencers in complex social networks using electric potential concept from a centrality perspective A comprehensive survey of research towards AI-enabled unmanned aerial systems in pre-, active-, and post-wildfire management Deconfounded multi-organ weakly-supervised semantic segmentation via causal intervention Multi-modal fusion for business process prediction in call center scenarios A novel multi-criteria conflict evidence combination method and its application to pattern recognition Fusion-based intelligent decision method with factor code and factor pedigree in the system fault evolution process GPT-4V with emotion: A zero-shot benchmark for Generalized Emotion Recognition Transformer-based multimodal change detection with multitask consistency constraints Sarcasm driven by sentiment: A sentiment-aware hierarchical fusion network for multimodal sarcasm detection A semantic-driven coupled network for infrared and visible image fusion Privacy-preserving data integration and sharing in multi-party IoT environments: An entity embedding perspective Transformer-based vision-language alignment for robot navigation and question answering Efficient networks for textureless feature registration via free receptive field Online multi-hypergraph fusion learning for cross-subject emotion recognition Fusion decision strategies for multiple criterion preferences based on three-way decision A novel federated multi-view clustering method for unaligned and incomplete data fusion A novel intuitionistic fuzzy generator for low-contrast color image enhancement technique HiCMAE: Hierarchical Contrastive Masked Autoencoder for self-supervised Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition Transformer-based self-supervised image super-resolution method for Rotating Synthetic Aperture system via multi-temporal fusion Self-supervised multi-frame depth estimation with visual-inertial pose transformer and monocular guidance Large-scale group decision-making involving community representatives: A perspective of combining strong and weak ties Joint Semantic Segmentation using representations of LiDAR point clouds and camera images Hierarchical relationship modeling in multi-agent reinforcement learning for mixed cooperative–competitive environments A flexible multi-temporal orthoimage mosaicking method based on dynamic variable patches Faster nonconvex low-rank matrix learning for image low-level and high-level vision: A unified framework IMPORTANT-Net: Integrated MRI multi-parametric increment fusion generator with attention network for synthesizing absent data Zero-shot stance detection based on multi-perspective transferable feature fusion A review of cancer data fusion methods based on deep learning PODB: A learning-based polarimetric object detection benchmark for road scenes in adverse weather conditions Multi-view contrastive clustering via integrating graph aggregation and confidence enhancement Fusion dynamical systems with machine learning in imitation learning: A comprehensive overview Multimodal fusion-based spatiotemporal incremental learning for ocean environment perception under sparse observation Physics-inspired multimodal machine learning for adaptive correlation fusion based rotating machinery fault diagnosis