AI-driven fusion with cybersecurity: Exploring current trends, advanced techniques, future directions, and policy implications for evolving paradigms– A comprehensive review A Bayesian network approach for dynamic behavior analysis: Real-time intention recognition TIAN: A time series Imaging Association Network for human abnormal behavior detection Oral multi-pathology segmentation with Lead-Assisting Backbone Attention Network and synthetic data generation Constructive preference elicitation for multi-criteria decision analysis using an estimate-then-select strategy Ada4DIR: An adaptive model-driven all-in-one image restoration network for remote sensing images Prototype-based cross-modal object tracking Hierarchical global to local calibration for query-focused few-shot node classification SelfFed: Self-adaptive Federated Learning with Non-IID data on Heterogeneous Edge Devices for Bias Mitigation and Enhance Training Efficiency A novel bi-objective R-mathematical programming method for risk group decision making DEMO: A Dynamics-Enhanced Learning Model for multi-horizon trajectory prediction in autonomous vehicles A degradation-aware guided fusion network for infrared and visible image Towards a robust multi-view information bottleneck using Cauchy–Schwarz divergence TMVF: Trusted Multi-View Fish Behavior Recognition with correlative feature and adaptive evidence fusion Physical prior-guided deep fusion network with shading cues for shape from polarization IF-USOD: Multimodal information fusion interactive feature enhancement architecture for underwater salient object detection Incomplete multi-view clustering based on hypergraph Hybrid multivariate time series prediction system fusing transfer entropy and local relative density Graph convolutional network for compositional data FedKD-IDS: A robust intrusion detection system using knowledge distillation-based semi-supervised federated learning and anti-poisoning attack mechanism Quantum social network analysis: Methodology, implementation, challenges, and future directions Self-supervised learning-based multi-source spectral fusion for fruit quality evaluation: A case study in mango fruit ripeness prediction TextFusion: Unveiling the power of textual semantics for controllable image fusion Dual-perspective fusion for word translation enhancement Security analysis and adaptive false data injection against multi-sensor fusion localization for autonomous driving Towards marine snow removal with fusing Fourier information Contrastive learning-based multi-view clustering for incomplete multivariate time series When multi-view meets multi-level: A novel spatio-temporal transformer for traffic prediction A temporally insensitive spatio-temporal fusion method for remote sensing imagery via semantic prior regularization Pred-ID: Future event prediction based on event type schema mining by graph induction and deduction Tightly coupled integration of Visible Light Positioning, GNSS, and INS for indoor/outdoor transition areas Hierarchical bipartite graph based multi-view subspace clustering Enhancing train travel time prediction for China–Europe railway express: A transfer learning-based fusion technique Cascaded frameworks in underwater optical image restoration Conti-Fuse: A novel continuous decomposition-based fusion framework for infrared and visible images AutoGRN: An adaptive multi-channel graph recurrent joint optimization network with Copula-based dependency modeling for spatio-temporal fusion in electrical power systems Multi-relational multi-view clustering and its applications in cancer subtype identification Fusion-based extended social force model for reciprocal transformation tasks in bidirectional pedestrian movement Fusion-enhanced multi-label feature selection with sparse supplementation Social network large-scale group decision-making considering dynamic trust relationships and historical preferences of decision makers in opinion evolution Collaborative DDoS defense for SDN-based AIoT with autoencoder-enhanced federated learning Communication optimization techniques in Personalized Federated Learning: Applications, challenges and future directions Secure fair aggregation based on category grouping in federated learning When causality meets missing data: Fusing key information to bridge causal discovery and imputation in time series via bidirectional meta-learning LatentHSI: Restore hyperspectral images in a latent space A novel hybrid model combining Vision Transformers and Graph Convolutional Networks for monkeypox disease effective diagnosis Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Graph Fusion Network modeling for urban metro ridership prediction Efficient self-supervised heterogeneous graph representation learning with reconstruction Incomplete multi-view clustering based on information fusion with self-supervised learning LG-Diff: Learning to follow local class-regional guidance for nearshore image cross-modality high-quality translation