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도서관 소장 최신 E-book
금오공과대학교 도서관에서 이용가능한 교육학 분야 최신 eBook입니다.
미국 교환학생 성공 가이드
서울: 좋은땅, 2024(2024)대학생활과 진로탐색
파주 : 양성원, 2024(2024)시대를 열어가는 담대한 지성, 부산대학교
부산: 부산대학교;, 2024(2024)독일 유학 한 권으로 끝내기
서울: 글로벌콘텐츠, 2024(2024)선생님, 나는 당신입니다
서울 : 교사노동조합연맹, 2024(2024)혁신과 공존의 교육학
파주 : 교육과학사, 2024(2024)대학 대변동
서울 : 지식의날개 : 한국방송통신대학교출판문화원, 2024(2024)The Familismo Coaching Model (FCM): Using a Values-Based Coaching Framework..
[S.l.]: University of Washington. 2023(2023)Essays in Urban and Public Economics
[S.l.]: University of California, Los Angeles. 2023(2023)Perspectives of Teachers of Students With Learning Disabilities on Parental..
[S.l.]: University of Minnesota. 2023(2023)Beyond the Cliff: Parent Perspectives on Achieving Positive Employment Outc..
[S.l.]: University of Minnesota. 2023(2023)What Matters Most to Caregivers of Young Children With Autism? Using the Be..
[S.l.]: Indiana University. 2023(2023)Advancements in Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain Technology, and IoT in ..
Milton : Apple Academic Press, Incorporated, 2023.(2023)메타프락시스 3부론
서울: 교육과학사, 2023(2023)교수의 속사정
서울 : 페이퍼로드, 2023(2023)Mentor Teachers as Reciprocal Learning Partners for Equity
[S.l.]: University of California, Los Angeles. 2023(2023)An Observational Study of Student Reading Engagement During UFLI Intensive ..
[S.l.]: University of Florida. 2023(2023)School Suicide Prevention: A Breadth and Depth Perspective
[S.l.]: University of Oregon. 2023(2023)A Qualitative Exploration of Self-Care Behaviors for Disease and Symptom Ma..
[S.l.]: The University of Alabama. 2023(2023)Learning Together: Three Studies in Elementary Computing Education
[S.l.]: Harvard University. 2023(2023)From WHAT to HOW: An Exploration of How Genetic Counseling Program Director..
[S.l.]: University of Maryland, Baltimore. 2023(2023)Learning and Leading for an Evolving Profession: Rethinking the New Teacher..
[S.l.]: Harvard University. 2023(2023)Exploring Special Education Teacher Candidates' Perception and Motivation T..
[S.l.]: University of California, Los Angeles. 2023(2023)Factors Contributing to the Retention of Early Career Special Educators
[S.l.]: The University of Wisconsin - Madison. 2023(2023)한국에서 박사하기
서울 : 스리체어스, 2022(2022)대학 인재양성정책과 공학 계열 계약학과 운영실태 분석
서울: 감사원 감사연구원, 2022(2022)대학이 살아야 대한민국이 산다
서울 : 박영story : 피와이메이트, 2022(2022)The definitive guide to instructional coaching : seven factors for success
Alexandria, VA : ASCD, 2022.(2022)미래의 인재, 대학의 미래
서울 : 포르체 : YES24 [배포], 2022(2022)The art of becoming indispensable : what school social workers need to know..
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2022](2022)교육학 분야 소장 E-book 안내
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e-Book 통합검색(Yes24, 교보문고, 우리전자책)
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