Production Contracts and Buyer Market Power in the U.S. Broiler Chicken Industry

The motivations for this case study are recent developments in the U.S. broiler chicken industry involving allegations of an illegal exercise of buyer market power by the five largest broiler chicken processors in the country in the market for broiler grow-out services. This case study introduces economic, business, and legal issues related to the alleged input price-fixing cartel of the five largest broiler processors. The case study describes the broiler processors’ conduct and presents a theoretical framework that may explain market and price effects of the alleged input price-fixing cartel. In addition, the case study introduces a comprehensive analysis of a sample broiler production a..

Agricultural Economics

The 2022 Energy Crisis: horizontal and vertical impacts of policy interventions in Australia’s National Electricity Market

The war in Ukraine and the associated 2022 energy crisis has had far-reaching effects with seaborne prices for coal and gas reaching multiples (5-6x) of their historic averages. While Europe was the epicentre, countries as far away as Australia were impacted. As a major exporter of coal and gas, domestic markets are linked to seaborne prices. Consequently, forward prices for 2023 delivery in Australia’s National Electricity Market surged from ~$48 in 2021 to $156/MWh in 2022 at one point peaking at $247/MWh. Household electricity tariffs were set to in-crease by 11% in 2023 and 35% in 2024. In late-2022, the Commonwealth Government intervened by setting fuel price caps of $125/t and $..

Energy Economics

Inclusive growth and climate change adaptation and mitigation in Australia and China : Removing barriers to solving wicked problems

This reports aims to assist the Sino-Australian bilateral relationship adapt to meet China’s new policies and to facilitate a smoother transition to a low carbon future. Southwest University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE), Chengdu, China and the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia held a workshop at SWUFE to develop a guide to China’s low-carbon policies and their implications for the Sino-Australian energy trade and sectors. This report results from the workshop. Chapter 3 contains the guide to China’s low emission policies and discusses market-based experiments within China’s command-and-control electricity sector. Chapter 4 discuses Australia’s poorly implemented neo..

Environmental Economics

Technology Boom, Labor Reallocation, and Human Capital Depreciation

We study the long-run effect on productivity of labor reallocation during a technology boom. Using French matched employer-employee data, we examine the large cohort of workers who enter the information and communication technology sector during the late 1990s boom. Despite starting with 5% higher wages, these workers experience lower wage growth and end up with 6% lower wages fifteen years out, relative to similar workers who started in other sectors. The long-run wage discount is concentrated on STEM occupations, consistent with a skill obsolescence mechanism. Other moments of the wage distribution are inconsistent with selectioneffects and negative demand shocks.


Strong Demand, Limited Supply, and Rising Prices: The Economics of Pandemic-Era Housing

The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland regularly surveys a broad cross-section of businesses in the region it serves and convenes business advisory councils in eight of the region’s major metropolitan areas. The information collected through these surveys and conversations points to trends that are not yet apparent in the data and fills gaps in researchers’ understanding of our region’s economy. The information is helpful to Federal Reserve policymakers during their discussions about the nation’s monetary policy. Anecdotes herein have been edited for length and clarity.

Urban and Real Estate Economics

A market-design response to the European energy crisis

Due to surges in gas and electricity prices in Europe, many households will struggle to heat their homes this winter. This paper provides high-level guidance on designing a relief policy in a way that optimally trades off equity and efficiency. We argue that, contrary to conventional economic intuitions, an optimal policy may involve directly controlling prices. Because governments do not have perfect information about households' needs, price controls could improve the targeting of relief through screening out the most vulnerable by offering them discounts for reducing consumption. This could be achieved by “threshold price caps" that lower the price of all energy units below some con..

Energy Economics

Quantifying delay propagation in airline networks

We develop a framework for quantifying delay propagation in airline networks that combines structural modeling and machine learning methods together to estimate causal objects of interest. Using a large comprehensive data set on actual delays and a model-selection algorithm (elastic net) we estimate a weighted directed graph of delay propagation for each major airline in the US and derive conditions under which the estimates of the propagation coefficients are causal. We use these estimates to decompose the airline performance into “luck” and “ability.” We find that luck may explain about 38% of the performance difference between Delta and American in our data. We further use these e..

Network Economics

Quantifying delay propagation in airline networks

We develop a framework for quantifying delay propagation in airline networks that combines structural modeling and machine learning methods together to estimate causal objects of interest. Using a large comprehensive data set on actual delays and a model-selection algorithm (elastic net) we estimate a weighted directed graph of delay propagation for each major airline in the US and derive conditions under which the estimates of the propagation coefficients are causal. We use these estimates to decompose the airline performance into “luck” and “ability.” We find that luck may explain about 38% of the performance difference between Delta and American in our data. We further use these e..

Transport Economics

Quantifying delay propagation in airline networks

We develop a framework for quantifying delay propagation in airline networks that combines structural modeling and machine learning methods together to estimate causal objects of interest. Using a large comprehensive data set on actual delays and a model-selection algorithm (elastic net) we estimate a weighted directed graph of delay propagation for each major airline in the US and derive conditions under which the estimates of the propagation coefficients are causal. We use these estimates to decompose the airline performance into “luck” and “ability.” We find that luck may explain about 38% of the performance difference between Delta and American in our data. We further use these e..

Urban and Real Estate Economics

Major Issues in the EV and Battery Industries, with Implications for Korean Policy

Electric vehicle (EV) sales have slowed down worldwide since 2023, and this trend has continued throughout 2024, fueling concerns that EV demand has plateaued. Yet, this slowdown seems limited specifically to battery electric vehicles (BEVs), as sales of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are surging. This suggests that the overall march toward electrification is proceeding, but may be taking a more circuitous route. In South Korea, HEV sales have been growing rapidly as PHEV sales remain flat and BEV sales crash. This leaves the Korean EV market far more vulnerable to a reverse pivot to internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles than its global count..

Transport Economics

Major Issues in the EV and Battery Industries, with Implications for Korean Policy

Electric vehicle (EV) sales have slowed down worldwide since 2023, and this trend has continued throughout 2024, fueling concerns that EV demand has plateaued. Yet, this slowdown seems limited specifically to battery electric vehicles (BEVs), as sales of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are surging. This suggests that the overall march toward electrification is proceeding, but may be taking a more circuitous route. In South Korea, HEV sales have been growing rapidly as PHEV sales remain flat and BEV sales crash. This leaves the Korean EV market far more vulnerable to a reverse pivot to internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles than its global count..

Energy Economics

Atmosphere of measurement, consumable tools and the affective life of neoliberalism

This article examines the links between accounting tools, affects and neoliberalism. To explain how accounting tools participate in the affective life of neoliberalism, we conducted longitudinal qualitative research on the health and social care sector in Quebec and examined the links between accounting tools and affects in a context of a neoliberal reform. We use the concept of atmosphere -collective affects present in a given space- to address the collective and spatial dimensions of affects linked to accounting tools. Our study shows that the omnipresence of accounting tools in spaces nurtures the atmosphere of measurement presented here. In this atmosphere, tools are viewed as consumable..


Board Gender Diversity and the Cost of Equity: What difference does gender quota legislation make?

This study examines the relationship between women directors and the cost of equity (COE). Investigating the French firm's sample, we find a significant negative effect of women directors on the cost of equity. Our results also document that the effect of women directors on reducing the cost of equity is significant for firms that have a critical mass of at least four women directors. Using the difference-in-difference (DID) and propensity score matching (PSM) approach, we find that the relationship between female directors and lower equity costs is significant for the period following the Copé–Zimmermann gender quota law. The results show that women directors' presence on corporate board..

Law and Economics

Modelling physical activity profiles in COPD patients: a new approach to variable-domain functional regression models

Motivated by the increasingly common technology for collecting data, like cellphones, smartwatches, etc, functional data analysis has been intensively studied in recent decades, and along with it, functional regression models. However, the majority of functional data methods in general and functional regression models, in particular, are based on the fact that the observed datapresent the same domain. When the data have variable domain it needs to be aligned or registered in order to be fitted with the usual modeling techniques adding computational burden. To avoid this, a model that contemplates the variable domain features of the data is needed, but this type of models are scarce and its e..


Meeting housing needs within planetary boundaries: a UK case study

This paper addresses a neglected aspect of the UK housing crisis: how to rapidly but fairly decarbonise the housing stock to meet tough net zero targets while meeting housing needs of the entire population. To do so the authors adopt a radical approach based on sufficiency. The sufficiency approach is based on determining both a housing floor – a decent minimum standard for all – and a housing ceiling - above which lies unsustainable excess. The authors define these thresholds in terms of bedrooms and floorspace and analyse the distribution of housing in England. They find that excess housing is widespread, concentrated in home ownership, particularly outright ownership, and characterise..

Environmental Economics

Progress in research on tourists with mental disorders: A critical review and the way forward

The global rise in mental disorders presents new challenges for tourism, an industry inadequately prepared to accommodate tourists with such conditions. Despite increasing scholarly interest in recent years, the study of tourists with mental disorders remains fragmented and underdeveloped. This work critically reviews 38 academic papers on this focal subject, published from 2004 to 2024, employing systematic narrative analysis. It identifies ten themes that map out the existing research across three stakeholder groups: tourists and caregivers, tourism providers, and governments and third parties. The literature synthesis offers an insightful and comprehensive overview of the current state of..


Progress in research on tourists with mental disorders: A critical review and the way forward

The global rise in mental disorders presents new challenges for tourism, an industry inadequately prepared to accommodate tourists with such conditions. Despite increasing scholarly interest in recent years, the study of tourists with mental disorders remains fragmented and underdeveloped. This work critically reviews 38 academic papers on this focal subject, published from 2004 to 2024, employing systematic narrative analysis. It identifies ten themes that map out the existing research across three stakeholder groups: tourists and caregivers, tourism providers, and governments and third parties. The literature synthesis offers an insightful and comprehensive overview of the current state of..

Tourism Economics

Global distributions of capital and labor incomes: capitalization of the global middle class

This article studies the global distributions of capital and labor incomes among individuals in 2000 and 2016. By constructing a novel database covering approximately 80% of the global output and 60% of the world population, two major findings stand out. First, the world underwent an important process of capitalization. The share of world individuals with positive capital income rose from 20% to 32%. Second, the global middle class benefited the most, in relative terms, from such a capitalization process, with China being the main driver of this global trend. The findings of this paper are robust to changes in the income definition, top-income and functional income distribution adjustments. ..

Business, Economic and Financial History

Air pollution and innovation

If air pollution harms innovation — and therefore future productivity — existing assessments of its economic cost are incomplete. We estimate the effect of fine particulate matter concentration on inventive output in 977 European regions. Exploiting thermal inversions and weather-induced ventilation of pollutants for identification, we find that a decrease in air pollution equivalent to the average yearly drop in Europe leads to 1.2% more patented inventions in a given region. A back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that accounting for the effect on innovation increases the economic cost of air pollution as assessed in prior work by about three quarters.

Environmental Economics

Air pollution and innovation

If air pollution harms innovation — and therefore future productivity — existing assessments of its economic cost are incomplete. We estimate the effect of fine particulate matter concentration on inventive output in 977 European regions. Exploiting thermal inversions and weather-induced ventilation of pollutants for identification, we find that a decrease in air pollution equivalent to the average yearly drop in Europe leads to 1.2% more patented inventions in a given region. A back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that accounting for the effect on innovation increases the economic cost of air pollution as assessed in prior work by about three quarters.

Resource Economics

The challenge of managing and retaining risks: how a paradox perspective reduces harm, realises opportunities and enriches performance

Managers in many kinds of organizations encounter risks in their daily work. A key challenge involves finding ways to manage risks and prevent harm to individuals or organizations, while retaining risks to realize opportunities. These pressures create a tension between risk management and risk retention that prevails in many sectors and is especially consequential in organizations where failures to address it may be fatal. I use inductive analysis to explore qualitative data from 72 television production company managers whose work has potential for trauma, injury and death as well as success. I find the tension between risk management and risk retention can be understood in relation to perc..


Air pollution and innovation

If air pollution harms innovation — and therefore future productivity — existing assessments of its economic cost are incomplete. We estimate the effect of fine particulate matter concentration on inventive output in 977 European regions. Exploiting thermal inversions and weather-induced ventilation of pollutants for identification, we find that a decrease in air pollution equivalent to the average yearly drop in Europe leads to 1.2% more patented inventions in a given region. A back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that accounting for the effect on innovation increases the economic cost of air pollution as assessed in prior work by about three quarters.

Energy Economics

Social reproduction and the housing question

There is broad recognition today that there is a link between the crisis of social reproduction and the housing problem. But their precise relationship is not always clear. This paper is an attempt to clarify their connection. Housing, this paper argues, is not merely the location or container of the crisis of social reproduction. Rather, there are elements of the contemporary housing system which intensify and shape the crisis of social reproduction. Drawing on feminist political economy and critical housing research, this paper identifies four major pathways by which the housing system exacerbates the crisis of social reproduction: depletion, disruption, redomestication, and recommodificat..


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