Production Contracts and Buyer Market Power in the U.S. Broiler Chicken Industry

The motivations for this case study are recent developments in the U.S. broiler chicken industry involving allegations of an illegal exercise of buyer market power by the five largest broiler chicken processors in the country in the market for broiler grow-out services. This case study introduces economic, business, and legal issues related to the alleged input price-fixing cartel of the five largest broiler processors. The case study describes the broiler processors’ conduct and presents a theoretical framework that may explain market and price effects of the alleged input price-fixing cartel. In addition, the case study introduces a comprehensive analysis of a sample broiler production a..

Agricultural Economics

The 2022 Energy Crisis: horizontal and vertical impacts of policy interventions in Australia’s National Electricity Market

The war in Ukraine and the associated 2022 energy crisis has had far-reaching effects with seaborne prices for coal and gas reaching multiples (5-6x) of their historic averages. While Europe was the epicentre, countries as far away as Australia were impacted. As a major exporter of coal and gas, domestic markets are linked to seaborne prices. Consequently, forward prices for 2023 delivery in Australia’s National Electricity Market surged from ~$48 in 2021 to $156/MWh in 2022 at one point peaking at $247/MWh. Household electricity tariffs were set to in-crease by 11% in 2023 and 35% in 2024. In late-2022, the Commonwealth Government intervened by setting fuel price caps of $125/t and $..

Energy Economics

Inclusive growth and climate change adaptation and mitigation in Australia and China : Removing barriers to solving wicked problems

This reports aims to assist the Sino-Australian bilateral relationship adapt to meet China’s new policies and to facilitate a smoother transition to a low carbon future. Southwest University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE), Chengdu, China and the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia held a workshop at SWUFE to develop a guide to China’s low-carbon policies and their implications for the Sino-Australian energy trade and sectors. This report results from the workshop. Chapter 3 contains the guide to China’s low emission policies and discusses market-based experiments within China’s command-and-control electricity sector. Chapter 4 discuses Australia’s poorly implemented neo..

Environmental Economics

Technology Boom, Labor Reallocation, and Human Capital Depreciation

We study the long-run effect on productivity of labor reallocation during a technology boom. Using French matched employer-employee data, we examine the large cohort of workers who enter the information and communication technology sector during the late 1990s boom. Despite starting with 5% higher wages, these workers experience lower wage growth and end up with 6% lower wages fifteen years out, relative to similar workers who started in other sectors. The long-run wage discount is concentrated on STEM occupations, consistent with a skill obsolescence mechanism. Other moments of the wage distribution are inconsistent with selectioneffects and negative demand shocks.


Strong Demand, Limited Supply, and Rising Prices: The Economics of Pandemic-Era Housing

The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland regularly surveys a broad cross-section of businesses in the region it serves and convenes business advisory councils in eight of the region’s major metropolitan areas. The information collected through these surveys and conversations points to trends that are not yet apparent in the data and fills gaps in researchers’ understanding of our region’s economy. The information is helpful to Federal Reserve policymakers during their discussions about the nation’s monetary policy. Anecdotes herein have been edited for length and clarity.

Urban and Real Estate Economics

A market-design response to the European energy crisis

Due to surges in gas and electricity prices in Europe, many households will struggle to heat their homes this winter. This paper provides high-level guidance on designing a relief policy in a way that optimally trades off equity and efficiency. We argue that, contrary to conventional economic intuitions, an optimal policy may involve directly controlling prices. Because governments do not have perfect information about households' needs, price controls could improve the targeting of relief through screening out the most vulnerable by offering them discounts for reducing consumption. This could be achieved by “threshold price caps" that lower the price of all energy units below some con..

Energy Economics

Modelling physical activity profiles in COPD patients: a new approach to variable-domain functional regression models

Motivated by the increasingly common technology for collecting data, like cellphones, smartwatches, etc, functional data analysis has been intensively studied in recent decades, and along with it, functional regression models. However, the majority of functional data methods in general and functional regression models, in particular, are based on the fact that the observed datapresent the same domain. When the data have variable domain it needs to be aligned or registered in order to be fitted with the usual modeling techniques adding computational burden. To avoid this, a model that contemplates the variable domain features of the data is needed, but this type of models are scarce and its e..


Better together? Group incentives and the demand for prevention

In a field experiment with 400 groups of informal entrepreneurs in El Salvador, we compare the impact of group incentives (linked to compliance of all members) to equivalent individual ones to encourage cardiovascular check-ups. We test two incentive designs: small rewards and lotteries. Group incentives are as effective as individual ones at increasing demand for prevention, but, unlike individual incentives, they fail to target those with potentially higher health risks. The equal effectiveness of group incentives is linked to more communication, coordination between members and, to some extent, peer pressure. These social dynamics contribute to reduce uncertainty about other group members..

Health Economics

Better together? Group incentives and the demand for prevention

In a field experiment with 400 groups of informal entrepreneurs in El Salvador, we compare the impact of group incentives (linked to compliance of all members) to equivalent individual ones to encourage cardiovascular check-ups. We test two incentive designs: small rewards and lotteries. Group incentives are as effective as individual ones at increasing demand for prevention, but, unlike individual incentives, they fail to target those with potentially higher health risks. The equal effectiveness of group incentives is linked to more communication, coordination between members and, to some extent, peer pressure. These social dynamics contribute to reduce uncertainty about other group members..

Experimental Economics

Difference-in-Differences via Common Correlated Effects

We study the effect of treatment on an outcome when parallel trends hold conditional on an interactive fixed effects structure. In contrast to the majority of the literature, we propose identification using time-varying covariates. We assume the untreated outcomes and covariates follow a common correlated effects (CCE) model, where the covariates are linear in the same common time effects. We then demonstrate consistent estimation of the treatment effect coefficients by imputing the untreated potential outcomes in post-treatment time periods. Our method accounts for treatment affecting the distribution of the control variables and is valid when the number of pre-treatment time periods is sma..


The Impact of Bequest Taxation on Wealth Inequality - Theory and Evidence

We study the effect of bequests and their taxation on wealth inequality. We allow for random death and birth in a continuous-time, dynastic framework. Individuals behave optimally and accumulate wealth over their lifetime. Bequests above a tax exemption threshold are taxed according to a fixed rate. We derive a stochastic differential equation modeling dynastic wealth and obtain an analytical expression for the coefficient of variation. By calibrating our model to German wealth data, we utilize these analytical results to project empirical wealth inequality across various bequest tax rates and tax exemption thresholds. Most notably, our results indicate that a combination of a high tax exemp..

Public Economics

The effects of physical activity prescription on mental health: evidence from primary care

While the benefits of physical activity on health are well documented, in high-income countries 1 in 3 adults do not reach the recommended levels. Thus, policy makers have developed interventions to promote physical activity. The aim of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of physical activity prescription on mental health outcomes, by studying an intervention that prescribes physical activity at the primary care level in Catalonia (PAFES). This intervention specifically targets the adult population with high cardiovascular risk. We use data from the Health Survey of Catalonia (2011–2016) and exploit the variation in the number of trained General Practitioners that prescribe phys..

Health Economics

실업경험이 가계소비에 미치는 장기효과 분석

한국은행 > 보고서전체

How do equity crowdfunding investors choose their investments? An analysis based on personal values

his work analyzes the importance of personal values in equity crowdfunding investment choice. Employing a theoretical framework borrowing theories from the fields of finance, marketing, and psychology, our model proposes several antecedents for investment choice and focuses on the congruence between the investor's personal values and the values promoted by the startup during its fundraising campaign. The results of our laboratory experiment, based on real-life campaign material, suggest that the investor's personal values and interest in the project are more important than the perceived signal quality of the project in explaining the decision to invest. Furthermore, two opposed values emerge..

Heterodox Microeconomics

Self-organising for a transition towards a circular society: Insight from Follettian thinking

This article seeks to understand how a self-organised dynamic can emerge to engage the current transition towards a circular economy. Accompanying-research puts into perspective a collective citizen project of transition towards a circular society (TCS) with the perspectives of actors and theories of self-organising. The analysis of abundant material, in floating attention and inductive manual NVivo coding, demonstrates a self-organising development via individual commitment facing successive needs of cooperation to enact a TCS. The dynamic operates through cooperative work cycles, leading to a TCS project in continuous mutual reflexivity. These results contribute to self-organising theories..

Environmental Economics

The increasing water stress projected for China could shift the agriculture and manufacturing industry geographically

The sustainable development of China has been challenged by the misalignment of water demand and supply across regions under varying climate change scenarios. Here we develop a water stress prediction index using a fuzzy decision-making approach, which analyzes spatiotemporal variations of water stress and concomitant effects on the populace within China. Our results indicate that water stress will increase from 2020 to 2099 under both low and high emission scenarios, primarily due to decreased water supplies like surface runoff and snow water content. Seasonal analysis reveals that annual fluctuations in water stress are mainly driven by changes in spring and autumn. Water stress is project..

Agricultural Economics

The Importance of Sound Monetary Policy: Some Lessons for Today from Canada’s Experience with Floating Exchange Rates since 1950

In this paper we revisit the Canadian experience with floating exchange rates since 1950. Canada was a pioneer in successfully adopting a floating exchange rate during the Bretton Woods pegged exchange rate regime. Since then, most advanced countries have followed the Canadian example. A key finding of our paper based on historical narrative and econometric analysis is that economic performance under floating depended on its monetary policy performance as Milton Friedman originally argued in his seminal 1953 article making the case for floating exchange rates. Canadian monetary policy achieved low and stable inflation once it adopted inflation targeting as a nominal anchor. Also, Canadaâ€..

Monetary Economics

The Importance of Sound Monetary Policy: Some Lessons for Today from Canada’s Experience with Floating Exchange Rates since 1950

In this paper we revisit the Canadian experience with floating exchange rates since 1950. Canada was a pioneer in successfully adopting a floating exchange rate during the Bretton Woods pegged exchange rate regime. Since then, most advanced countries have followed the Canadian example. A key finding of our paper based on historical narrative and econometric analysis is that economic performance under floating depended on its monetary policy performance as Milton Friedman originally argued in his seminal 1953 article making the case for floating exchange rates. Canadian monetary policy achieved low and stable inflation once it adopted inflation targeting as a nominal anchor. Also, Canadaâ€..

Business, Economic and Financial History

The Importance of Sound Monetary Policy: Some Lessons for Today from Canada’s Experience with Floating Exchange Rates since 1950

In this paper we revisit the Canadian experience with floating exchange rates since 1950. Canada was a pioneer in successfully adopting a floating exchange rate during the Bretton Woods pegged exchange rate regime. Since then, most advanced countries have followed the Canadian example. A key finding of our paper based on historical narrative and econometric analysis is that economic performance under floating depended on its monetary policy performance as Milton Friedman originally argued in his seminal 1953 article making the case for floating exchange rates. Canadian monetary policy achieved low and stable inflation once it adopted inflation targeting as a nominal anchor. Also, Canadaâ€..

Open Economy Macroeconomics

Sick Happens: The Effect of Worker Health Shocks on Coworkers’ Employment and Health Behavior

We analyze how a worker’s severe health shock affects the employment and health behavior of their older coworkers. We link comprehensive administrative data on labor market histories and health records from Austria to identify coworker networks and severe health shocks in small firms, which cause substantial increases in healthcare expenditures, absenteeism, and mortality, as well as persistent reductions in the labor supply of affected workers. Combining a matching approach with a difference-in-difference framework, we find a significant impact of a health shock on the labor market outcomes and health behavior of older coworkers. Affected coworkers are about 2.3 percentage points mor..

Labour Economics

Diffusion and targeting centrality

This paper studies the dynamics of information diffusion within networks, encompassing both general and targeted dissemination. We first characterize the theoretical foundations of diffusion centrality. Next, we introduce two extensions of diffusion centrality: targeting centrality and reachability, that we believe to better capture situations involving targeted requests. We derive general explicit formulas for the computation of these novel centrality measures.

Network Economics